Sep 7Liked by Seán Dowling

I was recommended your substack by a family member of mine and I’m loving this piece of art that is what you’ve written here. I absolutely echo your sentiments throughout this piece as there is no room for nuance with the stance of the census with how it frames its questions. I loathe the position this puts LGBTQIA people in.

My own academic perspective also brings up another issue surrounding the dark figure of crime surrounding queer targeted violence because within this implementation of the census, that figure increasingly wouldn’t be heard and actively ignored. We need to be calling way more attention to this than the lacklustre coverage it receives in media.

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oh! I'm delighted by this! Thank you my darling!

And you make an EXCELLENT point about how without these statistics we can never truly know the scale of the issue that trans and NB and queer people in general face.

hmmmmm..... do we need to do a colab piece about this specific point? I feel like it would be "yes, we do". thoughts?

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